2023 Hangzhou Municipal Government Scholarship

2023 Hangzhou Municipal Government Scholarship

2023 Hangzhou Municipal Government Scholarship

In order to attract more excellent international students to study and do researches in the city of Hangzhou, and improve the level of the international students and teaching quality, Hangzhou government established Hangzhou Municipal Government Scholarship.


Types of Scholarship

ScholarshipAmount(RMB / yuan)
Type A (for postgraduate students)30,000/year
Type B (for undergraduate students)20,000/year
Type C (for non-degree students)3000/semester

Qualifications for Application

1. Type A scholarship

For postgraduate degree programs: applicants must have a bachelor degree, and age no more than 35 years old, recommendation letters from two professors or associate professors are required.

2. Type B scholarship

For undergraduate programs: applicants should have graduated from high school and his/her age is no more than 30 years old.

3. Type C scholarship for non-degree students more than six months’ study at HZNU.

4. Applicants must be of foreign nationality and in good physical condition.

5. Applicants should behave well both on and out of campus, and have no records of violating laws and regulations of China and even at the host university.

6. Applicants should have corresponding Chinese language proficiency and submit proof documents like HSK certificate or other papers.

7. Applicants should have outstanding academic performance.

8. Applicants should not be beneficiaries of any other scholarships.

Note: The scholarship application will be assessed once a year.


When and How to Apply 

Application deadline: May & Oct, 2022.

All Applicants who have completed the online program application of Hangzhou Normal University can apply for the scholarship: https://international.hznu.edu.cn/isms/other/login?PID=208&SID=229.

Application Procedures

1. Log in Hangzhou Normal University Online Application System to complete online program application https://international.hznu.edu.cn/isms/other/login?PID=208&SID=229, Google Browser is recommended

2. Find “Scholarship Application” section

3. Fill in the information accurately and upload documents as instructed one by one

4. Save and Submit (Information cannot be modified after submission)

5. Wait for the review of the university (The result will be informed via email)

Note: This Application Procedure is only available for the new students. Enrolled students can consult school their schools about the scholarship application.



Mr Hua

Admission Office, SIE, HZNU

E-mail: hxw@hznu.edu.cn

Phone: 0086-571-28865041

Website: http://sie.hznu.edu.cn/ 

链接: 2023年杭州市政府来华留学生奖学金项目

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